Most of Linux beginner seems to be confused where to start. Especially for Windows user who want to make a migration. Well, maybe this can help...
Linux commands are mostly similar to UNIX commands. So, if user already familiar with UNIX, this won't be really matter. But what about the Microsoft's user who want to migrate? This table contents the comparation between UNIX and DOS commands. Note that the default shell is BASH (Bourne Shell).
DOS Command | UNIX / Linux | Description |
dir | ls | List the directory contents |
tree | ls -R | List directory recursively (tree form) |
cd | cd | Change directory |
mkdir | mkdir | Make a new directory |
assign | ln | Create a file or directory link |
rmdir | rmdir | Remove a directory |
chdir | pwd | Prints current working directory |
del erase | rm | Remove a file |
deltree | rm -R | Remove all directories and files recursively |
copy | cp | Copy a file |
xcopy | cp -R | Copy all file of directory recursivly |
rename move | mv | Rename / move a file Note: mv has ability to rename/ move a directory |
type | cat | Dump contents of a file to standard output |
help | man | Online manuals |
cls | clear (hotkey: ctrl+l) | Clear screen |
find findstr | grep | Look for a word in files given in filter |
comp | diff | Compare two files and show differences |
set variable=value echo %variable% | set export variable=value echo $variable | Set environment variables Show environment variables |
echo text | echo text | Echo text to screen |
date time | date | Show date |
break on | trap | Trap ctrl-break / Trap signals. |
attrib [+r|-r] [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [path\file] /s | chmod | Change file permissions. |
subst v: C:\directory\path | mount | Mount a drive letter to a folder/directory on your hard drive. |
hostname | hostname | Print host name of computer |
ping | ping | Send packets to a network host |
tracert | traceroute | Show routes and router hops to given network destination. |
win | startx | Start X-Windows. |
reboot | shutdown -r now | Reboot system. |
For more information about the command, Linux always include the manual. The manual is very helpful. By typing:
man command
the output (screen) will display the manual page of the command we need to obtain.
Labels: LINUX